Newsletter Archives
Hearing about a vibecamp newsletter after the fact? Your copy lost in an aggressive spam filter? We've got you covered! If you aren't subscribed to the newsletter you can do that above (if you don't see a link, try switching to chrome!) And if you have something you want us to consider adding to our calendar or future newsletters, use this form.
April 25th, 2024
Tickets are live at - and we're experimenting with disabling the applications for a while to see what happens. The deadline for purchasing tickets is June 6th at 11:59:59 PM EST.
Low income tickets are $250 this year. This covers the 4 day event & meals but no cabin bed - you will need to bring a tent, find a cozy corner, or find someone with a tent to cuddle up with.
Events are live as well! Feel free to add yours to the event tab at the bottom of your myvc page. Please keep in mind that with the switch in how we're doing ticketing, for the time being all events can be viewed without purchasing a ticket. You can add things to the calendar that take place before, during, and after VC3, but we recommend that you post a partiful link or find another way to advertise events that are taking place at private residences.
We're experimenting with grants! We'll have three $1k grants we'll be providing for art installations, cool projects, cozy or unique design/squish for indoor spaces - or other proposals we haven't thought of yet! Fill out this form to propose your idea. Please also use this form if you have incidental material costs you'd like to request we help you cover. Apply for a grant!
The server has channels for finding or offering rides, figuring out lodging before and after Vibecamp, finding people to form a cabin with, and for brainstorming project ideas! Join here.VC2.5: VibeclipseVibeclipse was a success! It was incredible watching some grizzled shitposters in tears witnessing the eclipse, and a number of people told us they've been to all of our events and that one was their favorite. We've heard that you want more smaller events and we're thinking about how to pull that off in a way that doesn't detract from our main yearly one.
Brooke & Grin from Vibecamp are joining forces with Jon from Cabin and Zach from Coordinape to put on an event this October at Camp Champions to help deepen relationships within the network state ecosystem. If that strikes your fancy, check out & follow our twitter account for updates!
May 23-27 is Pepicamp! Camping trip for twitter homies in the Netherlands. Check out this tweet for info & to contact Pepi!
Much love and appreciation,
Brooke & the Vibecamp team ✨
March 9th, 2024
Surprise!! Vibecamp 3 ticket sales are LIVE.
Brundolf has been building what we hope will be our final ticketing platform going forward - if you’ve been approved to purchase vibeclipse tickets, you can now log in to and purchase vibecamp 3 tickets, whether or not you’re coming to watch the eclipse with us! If you have friends you’d like to invite, you can send them one of your remaining invite codes, or direct them to fill out the application form at
Prices are the same across the board as last year (Basic: $420, Cabin: $590) with the exception of buses (we now will have shuttle options from both the Philadelphia airport and the Baltimore airport). VIP/sponsor tier tickets will be added as soon as we can think of appropriately whimsical/silly perks to offer for them, as the traditional perk of VIP dinners both requires having actual VIPs (no keynote speakers at vibecamp), and partaking in reinforcing the kind of status hierarchies that vibecamp would prefer to not contribute to.
Dates will be June 13-16, at Camp Ramblewood in Maryland once again.
For community builders: we’re excited to continue the vibeclipse experiment of offering discounts for mission-based orgs who want to bring +10 people as part of the same group. Vitalia, Cabin City, and Camp Contact are groups we are partnering with for vibeclipse. Reach out to Colby if you think your community might be a good fit! This is your chance to work together to bring content/experiences/art that communicates the spirit and ethos of your community to share with the rest of vibecamp ❤️
Money stuff: while we weren’t able to offer low income tickets for vibeclipse, we are continuing with our tradition of offering them for the next vibecamp. We’ll have forms out soon to apply for those spots, so stay tuned!
For company sponsorships, we’re partnering with Manifold Markets to incorporate prediction markets into our events. We’re generally not interested in most company sponsorships, but if you have an org you think would be as obvious a fit as Manifold x Vibecamp, reach out to Brooke to discuss!
The first vibecamp really was a group of people who largely knew each other from twitter meeting one another IRL. The second, however, had a bit of an identity crisis- some people came to hang out with existing friends, but many others came without connections already in place & hoping to make new friends.
For this next one, we’d like to find ways to strike a balance between those two modes. We’re discussing bringing in just a *smidge* of structure - facilitated (and optional) workshops on connection, twitter spaces/zoom calls before camp, & bracelets to indicate availability for new connections are a few of the things we’ve discussed implementing. If you’re interested in helping brainstorm, reach out to Brooke!
We want to keep the parties, but we’re exploring options to move them farther out into the woods, so people who want to sleep earlier are able to do so more comfortably this year. We’ll have more interactive art spaces, and indoor spaces in general. And yes, we’ll have more water placed around the camp, and are looking into bringing in some shower trailers for the tent campers.
We’ll be sending out an email next week to vibeclipse attendees with more info, but while we’ve got you, here are a few brief housekeeping notes.
We are extending our March 15th ticket deadline, but will also be doing some stealth advertising at SXSW (thanks, James!!) - so if you want to ensure you have a space, we recommend you get your tickets soon! Flights are also getting increasingly expensive.
There is now a twitter groupchat for chatting - dm Brooke if you would like to join! Also accepting Austin locals who just want to hang out as long as there’s enough space.
Join our discord server, which will be set up soon to begin collecting info on who you’d like to bunk with so we can reserve cabins for you and your (old or new) friends!
Dance parties!! If you'd like to DJ, enter your info on this form for Yassine to look over to begin sourcing and scheduling DJ sets. Reminder that this site requires no amplified music after 10pm.
Reminder that this site has what are basically camping pads on the bunks - you will either need to bring your own sleeping bags or purchase some from us at
“Exciting news: EAGxAustin is happening the weekend after Vibeclipse! It’s Texas’s first effective altruism conference, in Austin, April 13-14. We’d love to see some of you there if you can stay in town a few days longer! Check it out and apply here:
Please share with any friends who might be keen! It really helps, and makes the event more fun for you too!”
This is a big year for us with two events on the docket, and as always we're grateful to all of you for joining us on this wild ride & helping us shape something that's becoming bigger than any of us thought it would be ✨
- Brooke & the vibecamp team
January 27th, 2024
SO MANY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Here are a few of the things we've been hard at work on behind the scenes:
Applications and sales
You can now send your friends to My Vibecamp to apply for tickets, no need to wait on invites. Remember that you don't have to be one of the cool kids to get access (but you should probably be kind of weird or you may not have very much fun 😅).
if you're on the fence about attending, it's time to get off of it!
We are currently only selling tickets for Vibeclipse in April, but hope to begin sales for Vibecamp 3 within the next month 🤞
We now also have an in-house calendar/events scheduler on My Vibecamp (click Events at the bottom) that we'll be using for both vibeclipse and the next vibecamp 🥳 if you have a ticket, you can start adding events now!
Thanks to Jared for stepping up to help moderate the vibecamp discord server! We now have roles you can opt-in to, to indicate whether or not you're okay with: getting dm'd by new people, to get tagged when we have announcements/news that we don't want to inflict on @everyone, and to be tagged when people are hosting virtual social hangs in the server. More server updates on the way.
We spun up a Discourse forum! We're still building it out, but feel excited about where it can go. I've been thinking a lot about things like the tourism/lemur issue, shaping culture in the long term, and figuring out how to develop robust systems of care in community. I think this forum could be a great place to collaboratively build out processes for events - but also a place where people can go to share and discuss thoughts around social dynamics, insights on how to human better, and more!
If you'd like to post something but you're not sure if it'll be a good fit, feel free to run it by me!
Community Partnership
Vibecamp has always felt to me like it’s a bit of a melting pot/onboarding platform. People have learned about therapeutic practices such as IFS there, as well as about things like the Live Near Your Friends movement - and communities/3rd spaces/organizations like Cabin City, The Neighborhood, Fractal, The SF Commons.This year we’re using vibeclipse to experiment with taking that to the next level, starting with a partnership with Cabin. Cabin citizens get their choice of cabins (ba-dum tss) to book together + a discount on tickets. In return, they'll be running events during the weekend, and maybe even supporting a field trip to Neighborhood Zero (their built-from-scratch location nearby) for attendees interested in checking it out! Apply here or DM Grin for details.If you are involved with another community that you think would be a good fit for this kind of partnership with us, DM me! I could see this becoming something like our version of Burning Man camps over time.
Website Twitter
Manifold Markets <> vibecamp is a collaboration that was written in the stars! I helped out with their first festi-conference, Manifest (intended to be a mix between vibecamp and something like EAG) and it was a BLAST! People were betting on everything - from who Aella might sleep with, to who might win two minute long wrestling sessions, as they were happening! I had people coming to me to try to extract insider info about things like event security (one of the bets was on whether or not someone would be able to smuggle in a ball pit) and didn’t even realize that’s what was happening. It gave the event an extra layer of fun.We’re excited about incorporating markets into vibecamp more actively. We'll be creating more markets in the lead up to the events, and thinking about ways to incorporate them into activities happening onsite as well.
If you’d like help navigating prediction markets, reach out! We’d also love to help you brainstorm activities that might be enhanced by prediction markets and support in any way we can - including boosting the good ones.
Website Twitter
IRL Meetups (Finally)
It’s been clear to me for a long time now that there is a huge amount of appetite for local meetups, and that they aren’t happening at the pace they could be because of a failure of coordination rather than a lack of appetite. ENTER RIVER. River was just launched last November. It was co-founded by the person who helped orchestrate decentralized, global meetups for fans of the All-in-pod. She’s had extensive experience in figuring out how to solve the coordination problem for these kinds of meetups, and we’re excited to try it out.
The way it works is that communities can suggest cities/times for meetups, while providing suggested guidelines for activities and conversation topics. If no one applies to host the meetup, it just doesn’t happen! River vets hosts, and sends out feedback forms after meetups, so if someone isn’t a good host, they won’t be able to host again. Members can also propose their own community meetups and have them listed under the community page. River checks your location so events closest to you are the ones that show up in your feed.
Overall it seems like it's potentially a great way to get more IRL hangouts happening!! Suggested activities: coworking, climbing, hiking, playing askhole or board games, active listening sessions where you share your favorite music...Eventually we'll try to collect a bunch of ideas for meetups and post them somewhere. Propose or host your own here!
We're super excited to be working with a brand new art collective called Quilted Rummage - one of the members hangs out in the twitter scene, and their values are super aligned with that of vibecamp. They create interactive pieces that combine the digital with the physical, woven throughout with poetry centered around the principles of needing to see and to be seen. Listen to our twitter space with them here, and check out their twitter and website to get a feel for what they're trying to create in the world!
Emergent Ventures
Vibecamp made it in before the bell as a 2023 Emergent Ventures recipient! 🥳 We've received two grants so far, and both have been from Mercatus. Thank you, Mercatus!!
And thank you to everyone reading this, for supporting us as we continue to grow and learn, together.
-Brooke & the Vibecamp team
November 19th, 2023
After a few months to collect feedback, brainstorm, and make changes - WE ARE BACK, BABY
Welcome to the third edition of our public newsletter, in which we make some announcements, shill some of your events, and throw in a dig at deepfates
Vibeclipse is underway!
Brundolf went to vibecamp, thought ‘well this is annoying’ and stepped up to help us fix a number of our biggest structural issues! He’s been working hard to build a web app for us that will eventually be a one-stop shop: ticketing, announcements, and scheduling - all in one place!
Ticketing for the next vibecamp (June 13-16 in MD) will not begin for a while, but we’re about to start testing the new system with vibeclipse tickets.
For vibeclipse (April 5-8, in Texas), initial ticketing will be via a referral system. We are starting with our volunteers (as a thank you for their help) and gradually sending out more from there. Each ‘seed’ person will have the ability to give out five invite codes, even if they do not plan to attend themselves, and each of those invited people will be able to give out one invite code. We will open up general applications in the near future, to try to catch the people who should be at vibeclipse but maybe don’t have the social connections to land an invite code.
What does this mean for you? Well, a few things. If you receive invite links to send out, you are responsible for the vibes of the people you bring. If someone causes problems at vibeclipse, we may decide to take action- including, but not limited to, potentially revoking your ability to invite people to future events. So, sure, deepfates - you can sell them on twitter like you did your bluesky codes…if you want to take that gamble.
We’re hoping these changes will allow us to grow sustainably over time, and we’re open to suggestions on how to decentralize the invitation process more, as well as on other ways to explore web of trust/vouch systems in the future.
For more discussion around ticketing and a bunch of other topics, check out the recording of the twitter space we held this week.
In case you missed it
Chief Enthusiasm Officer Brooke recently spoke at the Network State Conference in Amsterdam - if you have friends you’ve tried to talk into coming to vibecamp but have struggled to explain what exactly it is, now you have something a bit more legible to point them to! Check out the YouTube video here.
Community Camps Calendar
You don’t have to wait for vibecamp to get together with your digital friends!. Some of you have been inspired to organize your own camps and meetups, like Kaicamp and PAWGust. The next one, Vibehole, will be in Turkey this coming January.
We want to see more of this kind of thing, which is why we created a basic upcoming events page. The end goal is to have a global calendar of events that anyone can post to directly; but in the meantime, the best way to get on the calendar is to send an email to
Upcoming events that we want to shill
- If you’ll be in the Bay on December 2nd, and want to get in touch with your body, Big Buddhi will be teaming up with @relic_radiation to teach a tactile anatomy class followed by a somatic dance jam. Tickets and more details on the event can be found in this thread.
- And don’t forget about Foresight’s Vision Weekend - the SF event is happening December 1-3!
From Allison of Foresight: ‘Vision Weekends invite Foresight’s top talent across biotechnology, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, computing, and space to burst their tech silos and plan for flourishing long-term futures. Come for the ideas: make friends across disciplines, generations, and continents. Stay for the festivities: participant unconferences, 1-1 mentorship, goal-setting jams at the fireplace, breakfast boogies, late-night breakout sessions.’
About this newsletter
We’re still debating what kinds of things would be cool to use this platform for! If you have recommendations, want to help out with content, or want to submit events (or really anything) for us to consider shilling, please reach out to!
And that's a wrap! We're so excited to see y'all in April, in June, or both!!
all the love,
-the vibecamp team
January 8th, 2023
Helloooooo vibers! The hot second edition of our newsletter is here!!!
Vibecamp is coming at you in 158 days! Philadelphia is our schelling point, where attendees will be vibrating together before and after vibecamp! Check out the #clubhouses channel in the discord for the AirBNB's that are coming together for the before and after parties. An early date range some attendees are aiming for is the 10th to 15th, plan accordingly!
Check out #communities for cabins / tent villages that are coming together! Fun ideas abound, from festival enthusiasts all the way to a quiet cabin.
One housekeeping item: If you have submitted an application but have not yet heard anything from the vibecamp mothership, reach out to Colby or drop a note in the #questions channel of the discord server
Important Dates
-Applications (fill out the survey so we can get a feel for who's interested in attending & to help us match you with potential new friends) will close on February 15th at 12:00 PM pacific time!
-Ticket sales (approved applicants can buy tickets) end on March 1st at 12 PM PST!
Upcoming Vibe Events
Brooke and the team will be hosting a twitter space with updates at 6pm pt/9pm et tomorrow, Monday January 9th, where you can also ask questions and meet your fellow attendees!
Friends of Vibecamp
In this edition we'd like to shine a light on one of our besties, The Neighborhood NYC!
The Neighborhood NYC is a project to bring high-agency, emotionally intelligent New Yorkers within walking distance of one another, and to establish third spaces to bring down the coordination costs of hanging out and collaborating. Imagine the feel of a college campus: running into your friends at the library and cafeteria, attending lectures and then talking late into the night, being able to walk to a hangout on a Friday night.
Read more here:
Miscellaneous Vibrations
If you're in the Bay (yay) area, visit more of our friends:
- SF commons, your 'home outside of home' ! Learn more here:
- The Neighborhood has a San Francisco edition! Learn more:
This brings us to the end of our second newsletter! If you have feedback, or want to shower the writer with praise, hit up Ivy Astrix! (@ivyastrix across big socials)
October 10th, 2022
Helloooooo vibecampers (and the vibecamp curious)!!
In this inaugural edition of our newsletter we’re going to cover some upcoming events to tide you over until Vibecamp 2, as well as dish out some important info some of you have been asking about.
Vibecamp News
It is now a mere 248 days before Vibecamp 2 takes place!! Happening from June 15th through 18th, 2023, VC2 will take place at Camp Ramblewood in Maryland.
The first phase of ticket sales have ended, and you have until 12 PM PST on December 1st, 2022 to get your ticket application in, which is when phase 2 of ‘Chaos Mode’ will come to its conclusion. People will be chosen at random and given a chance to purchase a Vibecamp 2 ticket! After phase 2 we will continue accepting applications for the manual review phase of Chaos Mode.
If you haven’t yet, join the Vibecamp discord where you can take place in such thrilling experiences as:
- Creating AI generated art inspirations for Vibecamp (powered by Midjourney) in #inspiration
- Checking out Vibecamp 2 projects that are brewing (or submitting your own) in #projects
- Attending some of the events that we’re going to mention below!
Tuesday, October 11th [6 PM PST / 9 PM EST] - The inaugural Vibecamp discord book club begins with a discussion on chapters 1 and 2 of Balaji Srinivasan’s The Network State.
Thursday, October 13th [7 PM PST / 10 PM EST] - Kicking off the Vibecamp Discord’s group watch events will be the first episode of Sense8!
Parting Pontifications
That’s all for this time! We’ll part on a question: What was your favourite moment of Vibecamp? Let us know on Twitter @vibecamp_ or in the Discord.