

We don't generally like rules governing behavior. People come to vibecamp to form authentic connections, so we want to give our attendees as much freedom as possible to just be themselves. Nevertheless, it is up to the organizing team to set the tone for vibecamp.

If any attendees are acting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to bring it to our attention directly, or to a  volunteer who can contact us. We won’t be able to be everywhere at once but we will do what we can to make this a space where we can all be comfortable in our unique selves. Some situations might be resolved with a conversation, others might demand a stronger response. In any case, identifying misconduct will be at the discretion of the org team. We, the vibecamp org team, reserve the right to ask anyone to leave vibecamp without a refund if we feel it is an appropriate step to take.

Things that we will have zero tolerance for include:

  • acts of physical or sexual assault (enthusiastic consent and the safety of attendees is VERY important to us)
  • publicly doxxing the names of pseudonymous attendees (don’t be a dick)
  • taking and posting photographs/videos/speech that contain people who have not consented to such (again-don’t be a dick, people)

Community Expectations:

Respect the location and their requirements. Some of the places that host us may be subject to local ordinances surrounding noise, or environmental regulations, some may have a reputation that is central to their business. If we want vibecamp to be able to host events at cool venues, then we need to be the kind of community that those venues want to host.

Remember that vibecamp is built on individuality. We all attend with the expectation that we are going to meet people with wildly different lives from our own. It is almost inevitable that you'll encounter someone that you don't get on with...and that's fine as long as you're chill about it.

So what DO we want to see there?

YOU, in all of your glorious weirdness. Wear costumes (or don’t)! Make art! Play, talk, dance, meet new people! Touch grass! We stan curiosity and kindness. We will have a crazy range of viewpoints and political leanings represented among attendees. This is a perfect opportunity to let go of what artificially divides us and meet one another as humans.

It's difficult to define a group this diverse and illegible, but here's a short list of values that are pretty representative of who we are:

  • participation rather than spectatorship
  • fulfilling conversations
  • illegibility and the ability to go meta
  • gentle, friendly pranksterishness
  • bringing online relationships into offline spaces
  • using social media to connect people who wouldn’t have met otherwise
  • personal and collective growth
  • deep, meaningful connection

Vibecamp is our baby. We’ve collectively spent thousands of hours working to bring this vision to life. We want to be able to hang out with friends old and new, and have a great time together!

Where are we going?

While we’re not totally sure what form(s) vibecamp will take over time, we’re sure of a few things. Vibecamp is far more than just a bunch of internet strangers getting together at scale – it is the fulfillment of a dream, a crucial next step along the path towards a better future. We have such incredible people in this community, people brimming with creativity, passion, and talent. The connections fostered here will lay the foundation for amazing people to collaborate on even greater endeavors together.

In the fullness of time we envision vibecamp spreading around the world. We see ourselves hosting multiple regional events throughout the year and maybe -- one day -- purchasing land of our own on which to build a permanent vibecamp (or maybe vibecity.) We also hope that vibecamp will inspire you to organize your own events whether they be regional events close to home or long-distance pilgrimages.

In the meantime, stay tuned! Give us feedback! Offer your skills and passion! Create what you want to see! We can’t do it without you.